Something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new. It’s one of those wedding traditions like tossing the bouquet and toasting the parents of the groom. Some couples choose to include it and some don’t. However, if the 4 Something’s are important to you, then decide what they’ll be ahead of your wedding day.
Too often I hear, “Oh gosh! I forgot to find something blue,” and off goes the bride to rummage through her handbag for a blue hair scrunchie that she can slip meaninglessly into the pocket of her wedding dress to fill some imagined ‘good luck’ quota. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a missed opportunity to add value to your big day.
One of my brides gave lots of thought to her 4 something’s and I believe she benefited in a big way. She chose light blue underwear for her ‘something blue’. She wrapped the base of her bouquet in her late grandma’s bracelet, for her ‘something old’. Her ‘something borrowed’ was a pair of her mom’s earrings that she’d always loved as a child, and her husband specially gifted her with a new bracelet for her to wear up the aisle. Every piece in the equation brought more meaning and value to her experience on the day.
Take a page from her book, Brides! Decide if the 4 something’s have a place in your wedding and if they do, make them count!